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Promote ONE in your signature
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
You're not very bright are you?

1) People do websites for free. I would, if it was for a good cause.
2) Maybe someone in the campagin can code websites. Lots of people can
3) They dont hire actors, they do it for the sake of the cause, you really think they're THAT dunce?
4) Wristbands cost about 40 cents to make, and they sell for $1+
5) Uh, maybe they make the tshirts and other apparel when they get the order? It costs more to buy the stuff then to make it
6) TONNES of people buy the shit for the cause, so they obviously make thier money back and some extra for charity.
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07-05-2005 07:15 AM
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
there is nothing that pisses me off more than these stupid poverty campagins, they get wrapped up in so much red tape that a lot of your money doesn't go to the poor.

Furthermore, the wristbands are the worst offenders, the ones made for charities might well be made in a sweatshop free enviroment, but they make wristbands fasionable, so people get them made in sweatshops where the people who work there are getting paid 40p a week, therefore worsening the problem.

Charity has become fasionable now, so everyone wants to look cool by supporting a charity. Yet all they will do is buy into the make poverty history, or one brand.

You don't see anyone who will give up a large proportion of their wealth in order to make the poor better off. And it is the same people who will complain about the huge rise in inflation that will occur when the impoverished countries finally, and deservedly become rich.
The Artist Formerly Known As saralk
London · New York · Paris
Est. 1989
07-05-2005 07:35 AM
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
IDD Saral, but signatures+website banners+paypal donations != cost money :>
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07-05-2005 07:38 AM
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RE: RE: RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by Joa
wacky - you did make your point, and i agree. it's everybody's fault up to a certain point that this world is such a shitty place. but it's not your or my fault that we were born here and not in a third world country. we just were luckier than some... you know?
and since we are luckier, there's a pressure on us to help those who are in need. sometimes its frustrating, cuz what the hell is the point... there are poor everywhere and no matter what we do there will always be poor people.

it's not like three people can save the world, and rid it of poverty... even if everybody pitched in, the world would still need saving. ... but :-/ some people can be saved and given the help they need to survive.. maybe a small family, maybe just some kid.. but still :-/

raising awareness helps out. sure we all buy a ton of stuff we don't need. most of the stuff i have is not neccessary to keep me alive or something.. but since i was made aware of the poor people in my own and other countries i put away a bit of money everyday, that i would usually spend on junk food or something... if everybody did that, we could save a few people's lives.

anyway, i agree because its shitty that we are told to do something that doesn't seem to make sense, cuz it won't even have a big impact... but in the end it does have an impact, even if it is a little one.

kinda related but not really -> it's kind of sad to see canada looking far out towards the third world countries, and spending so much money on them, when they don't even take care of the homeless of their own. supposedly they do... but if you could just look around my downtown :sad: you'd see the reality. And i mean... it's not like they have millons of people here to save, just a couple of families ..

oh, I'm not against the campaigns or anything. Its fine cuz they do save some people. But do know that sometimes campaigns are tricks.. they get you to give them money and they keep a bigger part of it then they should, which is lame :-/

they do take care of the homeless in some places but again.. depends where. But they dont take care of all of them. Actually.. they probably make people believe they do take care of them cuz I have seen documentaries and the homeless said they keep getting pushed further and further out the city.. (which were both in montreal AND toronto) biggest cities in canada. they don't do a thing for them though :-/
07-05-2005 07:45 AM
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by Shawnz
IDD Saral, but signatures+website banners+paypal donations != cost money :>

True, but im more against the way that charity has become almost a fasion, everyone wants to seem really indie and mega because supposidly they care about the poor.
The Artist Formerly Known As saralk
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Est. 1989
07-05-2005 08:32 AM
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by saralk
Originally posted by Shawnz
IDD Saral, but signatures+website banners+paypal donations != cost money :>

True, but im more against the way that charity has become almost a fasion, everyone wants to seem really indie and mega because supposidly they care about the poor.

yeah, me too.

There are loads of people at my school, who go around, with loads of those bands all up their arms, only because they think it's the fashion. Most of them don't even know what the money they spend on them go to, or what Live8 or anything like that, which is trying to help poverty, is. It annoys me.
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07-05-2005 02:50 PM
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
who cares as long as some money goes to those people suffering it does not matter :S

I stand up and i think the g8 meeting is very important especially america's contribution :P

at the end of the day we are so lucky and they deserve to live and not suffer :P

i've also added one to my site to help in a small way it will add up soon :)
07-05-2005 03:05 PM
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by Absorbation
who cares as long as some money goes to those people suffering it does not matter

because with these huge charities, they basically act as a business and so they have costs, and as these charities become brands (MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY is the best example) they have higher costs, and so the money that you donate also has to cover these costs. Which means less money for the poor and more money for organising concerts, and going to corrupt governments.
The Artist Formerly Known As saralk
London · New York · Paris
Est. 1989
07-05-2005 05:20 PM
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Chromo :wink:

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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by Absorbation
who cares as long as some money goes to those people suffering it does not matter
I care.. a lot, even. All that money wasted.. I mean, it could all go to the poor and save so many other lives.. think about it.
Originally posted by Tasha
There are loads of people at my school, who go around, with loads of those bands all up their arms, only because they think it's the fashion. Most of them don't even know what the money they spend on them go to, or what Live8 or anything like that, which is trying to help poverty, is. It annoys me.
Indeed. I was in New York city, not long ago. When we went into China Town, they were selling those bracelets everywhere. And where do you think they make them? In some poor country where they pay kids no money at all. I hate the fashion :-/
Live8.. bah. I hate how they need to use celebs to make money.. And again, look at all the money they take to pay for the show. Most people only go to see the celebs, not to help poverty.

Just saying "make poverty history" pisses me off.. Cuz it will never happen. Even just "ONE" pisses me off.. never will everyone be the same. There will always be the rich, the generous, and the poor, no matter how many generous people there are. The rich will never change.
For example, I posted in the thread Patchou started about getting a new keyboard. I said I had to cope with my english one even though I'm french and it's annoying to not have the propper keys. I don't really mind though, because it works, but someone said "get another one". WHY? Why spend money on something you already have that works? It's stupid. But that's how MOST people live.. They have money so they spend it on so many useless things, while some are crying fro help. Why not help them instead? You'll feel much better after, too.

Bah.. I'm glad I got some people to think about this, cuz it hurts me a lot.
07-05-2005 10:39 PM
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O.P. RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by wacky
Originally posted by Absorbation
who cares as long as some money goes to those people suffering it does not matter
I care.. a lot, even. All that money wasted.. I mean, it could all go to the poor and save so many other lives.. think about it.

For all you know those "ONE" and "Make Poverty History" bands are being made for free by some company that wants to support the cause.  Sure, they have to buy the supplies and lose profit, but if they feel strong enough, why not?  Companies probably donate money to them to help create the bands...and again, the bands cost like, $0.45 to product and are being sold for $1 or more, thats still $0.55 per band going to the people.  The celebrities were not being paid a thing, the commercial was also probably produced for free along with the website.

The ONE Campeign to stop poverty is great, imo.  You can only buy packs of 10, 100 or 1000 bands.  So, for every package of 10 bands sold, $5.50 goes towards the poor.  For every package of 100 bands sold, $55.00 goes towards the poor.  For every package of 1000 bands sold, $550.00 goes towards the poor.  No matter what, millions have purchased the bands and have probably donated more than 25 million dollars to the cause.

Originally posted by wacky
Indeed. I was in New York city, not long ago. When we went into China Town, they were selling those bracelets everywhere. And where do you think they make them? In some poor country where they pay kids no money at all. I hate the fashion :-/

Prove it.  As far as I know, most of these bands are made in the United States or Canada.  No charity is going to buy from a company using kids to make the bands.  Period.

Originally posted by wacky

Live8.. bah. I hate how they need to use celebs to make money.. And again, look at all the money they take to pay for the show. Most people only go to see the celebs, not to help poverty.

The TV Campeign counts as a PSA and therefore was free (In the United States, at least).  Same with the Live8 concert...probably counted as a PSA, and even if it didnt, the interest sparked by the concert will sell more than enough bands/merchandise to pay for the concert.

Originally posted by wacky

Just saying "make poverty history" pisses me off.. Cuz it will never happen. Even just "ONE" pisses me off.. never will everyone be the same.

It will never happen?  There was a point in history where people believed that blacks would never be free in america.  It happened...Blacks are now free.  You cant say it will Never happen, because it probably WILL happen someday and somepoint in time.

Originally posted by wacky

For example, I posted in the thread Patchou started about getting a new keyboard. I said I had to cope with my english one even though I'm french and it's annoying to not have the propper keys. I don't really mind though, because it works, but someone said "get another one". WHY? Why spend money on something you already have that works? It's stupid. But that's how MOST people live.. They have money so they spend it on so many useless things, while some are crying for help. Why not help them instead? You'll feel much better after, too.

No one is going to give all there money to the charity...BUT, the point is, people who even give as little as $5.50 have helped in some way.

Originally posted by wacky

Bah.. I'm glad I got some people to think about this, cuz it hurts me a lot.

Why should it hurt you?  Its a charity doing something good.  I really feel sorry for you if you are against charity's and organizations like this.  They are out to help people.
07-06-2005 09:43 PM
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