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Promote ONE in your signature
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by Dane
For all you know those "ONE" and "Make Poverty History" bands are being made for free by some company that wants to support the cause.
I didnt necessarely mean ONE. I just meant that I don't like it when some campaigns could give more money to the poor than what they do..

and I never said shit against campaigns. I even said
Originally posted by wacky
oh, I'm not against the campaigns or anything. Its fine cuz they do save some people.
if you could care to read a bit...
Originally posted by Dane
Prove it.  As far as I know, most of these bands are made in the United States or Canada.  No charity is going to buy from a company using kids to make the bands.  Period.
those sold in China Town werent for some charity. They were sold because it's become a fashion. Don't tell me the stuff they sell in China Town are made in the States.. it would cost them much less to make them in other countries. Surely some can be made in the states but I believe most arent. And again, I'm NOT talking about the charity ones.
Originally posted by Dane
It will never happen?  There was a point in history where people believed that blacks would never be free in america.  It happened...Blacks are now free.  You cant say it will Never happen, because it probably WILL happen someday and somepoint in time.
thats very much different. That all depended on one country. Now we are talking about many countries. And even though the black arent slaves anymore. There ARE still people who wish they still were, and there is still racism.. it's not completely gone, there's only a different law. But that depended on the government. You cant ask a government to stop poverty because it will always exist. Whether it's in a poor country or not. Even if it's in a rich country like the United-States. There are people living in the streets, unhelped.
Originally posted by Dane
No one is going to give all there money to the charity...BUT, the point is, people who even give as little as $5.50 have helped in some way.
and I AM glad.. just I believe people could do much more than that :-/
Originally posted by Dane

Why should it hurt you?  Its a charity doing something good.  I really feel sorry for you if you are against charity's and organizations like this.  They are out to help people.
I didnt say I was against it. I am against the people who are too selfish to realise a few things, how they are living, and such. Charity is good, but there are SOME that aren't. But like you probably think, at least some are getting helped. So many others could be helped if the world could change it's ways of living :-/

This post was edited on 07-06-2005 at 10:37 PM by wacky.
07-06-2005 10:35 PM
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Wacky, I want you to know Im 100% on your side...
People these days don't realize what they do...and I'll admit I'm not perfect, we use money so carelessly, and among many other things, complain about so many small things. We don't realize just how well we have it. I was talkin to someone earlier today and they were complaining so much stupid crap... it made me so angry, I just walked away... after i explained how little she had to complain about.
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07-06-2005 11:27 PM
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by atownjoe
Wacky, I want you to know Im 100% on your side...
People these days don't realize what they do...and I'll admit I'm not perfect, we use money so carelessly, and among many other things, complain about so many small things. We don't realize just how well we have it. I was talkin to someone earlier today and they were complaining so much stupid crap... it made me so angry, I just walked away... after i explained how little she had to complain about.
thanks, that encourages me.
The other day, I was at my mum's friend's house. It's really messy cuz he's going through some depression, but he was worrying about what I'd think of the mess and stuff. Why does it even matter if a house is clean or messy. It doesn't change the person. There are also people who fuss about their looks so they spend loads and loads of money just to look "decent". What is decent anyways? Looking like what they show on television? Cmon.. what's on television is at least 50% fake. All the money those people could give to the poor instead of worrying about little things. And that's only worrying. Complaining is far worse. "Oh no!!!!!!!!!!! I broke a nail!" yeah.. you go spend money fixing up a broken nail.

07-07-2005 12:23 AM
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RE: RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by Shawnz
You're not very bright are you?

Originally posted by Shawnz
1) People do websites for free. I would, if it was for a good cause.

Keeping a website costs. Server, housing, connection, maintaince etc.
Originally posted by Shawnz
2) Maybe someone in the campagin can code websites. Lots of people can

You're not very bright are you? That is the same as your first point.
Originally posted by Shawnz
3) They dont hire actors, they do it for the sake of the cause, you really think they're THAT dunce?

Is still costs to make and serve the videos, even if the actors didn't get paid.
Originally posted by Shawnz
4) Wristbands cost about 40 cents to make, and they sell for $1+

Wristbands actually cost about $0.004 to produce, but shipping costs much more than that.
Originally posted by Shawnz
5) Uh, maybe they make the tshirts and other apparel when they get the order? It costs more to buy the stuff then to make it

Originally posted by Shawnz
6) TONNES of people buy the shit for the cause, so they obviously make thier money back and some extra for charity.

Why would that be? Remember, they don't want our money.
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07-07-2005 08:25 AM
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
I have always and will always hate these charities, we have got to a point where charities become brands, people will buy stuff with the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY logo just because it has that on it, and noone really cares about the people in africa.

People say that they are buying these wristbands to show that they are against the cause. But that is something that makes me physically wretch, I have never known anyone to look at someones wrist, see the make poverty history wristband and suddenly care anymore about the campaign.

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07-07-2005 09:21 AM
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RE: RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by wacky
Originally posted by Dane
It will never happen?  There was a point in history where people believed that blacks would never be free in america.  It happened...Blacks are now free.  You cant say it will Never happen, because it probably WILL happen someday and somepoint in time.
thats very much different. That all depended on one country. Now we are talking about many countries. And even though the black arent slaves anymore. There ARE still people who wish they still were, and there is still racism.. it's not completely gone, there's only a different law. But that depended on the government. You cant ask a government to stop poverty because it will always exist. Whether it's in a poor country or not. Even if it's in a rich country like the United-States. There are people living in the streets, unhelped.

Of course many countries can unite, the Allies stopped Hitler and Nazi Germany, right?
07-07-2005 11:08 PM
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by Time
Of course many countries can unite, the Allies stopped Hitler and Nazi Germany, right?
yeah, but it's easier to stop a war than to stop something that's always existed. Maybe Hitler was stopped but there are still Nazis. There are groups even in Canada. The hatred is still there even if there isn't any killing.
And let's say you give people in Africa a lot of money, enough for them to survive and live normally, how long will it last? They'll have to learn to make money of their own. If they can't, they'll keep being poor. The rich are those that can make money on their own, right? Tell me if I'm wrong.

And to say "make poverty history", well.. what is poverty? I'm still stuck with those words. Poverty can mean many things. Whether it's a lack of intelligence (you can say someone is mentally poor, I guess..) or people who don't have any/enough goods to survive or simply having no money, there will always be some (as few as it can be) that will be 'poor'. You can't make it dissapear. It's like saying "let's abolish war and have peace". That can't happen because there will always be people who will hate. It's in the animal nature to fight. Humans do it for stupid reasons but still.. All I'm saying is that poverty will never be gone. Maybe Africans will someday have the water and food they need, but there will still be some people that don't have what they need to survive. Whether it's in a poor country or not.
07-07-2005 11:44 PM
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O.P. RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by wacky
Maybe Africans will someday have the water and food they need, but there will still be some people that don't have what they need to survive. Whether it's in a poor country or not.

Well, if they have the water and food to survive, all they'd really need is shelter and such.  But they want/need/deserve more than that.  Would you live on just Water and Food and Shelter or would you want more?  I'd want more than just the basics.  They need schools and stuff too.

Disclaimer: I am writing this post half asleep, if it doesnt make sense, i'm sorry.
07-08-2005 04:39 AM
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Chromo :wink:

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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
Originally posted by Dane
Originally posted by wacky
Maybe Africans will someday have the water and food they need, but there will still be some people that don't have what they need to survive. Whether it's in a poor country or not.

Well, if they have the water and food to survive, all they'd really need is shelter and such.  But they want/need/deserve more than that.  Would you live on just Water and Food and Shelter or would you want more?  I'd want more than just the basics.  They need schools and stuff too.

Disclaimer: I am writing this post half asleep, if it doesnt make sense, i'm sorry.
it makes sense :chrongue: but that depends.. if I could get the basics for free, then sure.. I'd live like that because I dont want anything else. I dont want education because I dont want to work because I dont want to live with money. (though I do because thats how we live..) Though I am glad I do have the education I have else I wouldnt even be able to reply to anything on these forums because I wouldnt know much. But in those countries, when you are born that way, you don't really know what it's like to live the way we do.
But what I was saying, I believe they would have to find a way to make money on their own. People from our countries give them money now, but it's more like a boost, to keep them alive. They need to continue and get what they need on their own. But do they have the necessary ressources?

and btw, I am really tired to so.. :P
07-08-2005 05:12 AM
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
I'd give to charity if i was able too and if i was sure it wouldnt go to those government peoples own pockets..to solve poverty you need to eliminate corruption first, asif thats ever gonna happen huh?
[Image: 25dr3o9]
07-08-2005 11:25 AM
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