Good to know the 45 minutes I spent on the illustration, and idea (planned what I was going to say, no one wants to look like a fool)
has received so much positive feedback. Really puts a smile on my face.
Anyhow, more ideas for consideration. Even if you are using tabbed convos would it not be easy to keep the same (original illustration) concept? We all know (or should know) that if you are chatting to lets say
x number people, you click on one tab and that person appears as one taskbar item correct? Now do whatever you programming gurus do and make the status of that contact appear as the corresponding MSN Guy status icon.
When you Ctrl+Tab, or click on another tabbed convo in the window the same taskbar item changes to display the new contact that you are now chatting with. Once again, change the new contacts MSN Guy icon to that of his/her current status...
I want to make a good positive impact here, and earn a
reputation for being precise and detailed with my ideas.
EDIT: Another New Idea, and Illustrations coming in approximately one hour (time is currently 4:26PM EST). Someone reply so I don't have to make a double post