Originally posted by DamianWarS
i have about a 1000 or so emails but plus says i have 445
i downloaded all my emails using outlook leaving the emails also on gmail but achived. When outlook was downloading them it said i had 445 but it downloaded about 2000. Once it was finsihed msgplus said i had 0 emails so it reset the counter.
The number must the be the amount of undownloaded emails not unread emails and it must max out at 445. Once you download them the number is reset. If you think about it Outlook or anyother mail client needs to somehow know what to download instead of getting them all each time so it would have to work this way. So the number it returns to msgplus (or a mail client) is more of the amount of emails it needs to synchronize than it is unread emails.
So if you think of the number this way both msgplus and gmail work fine. perhaps a less confusing toast message would be "235 unsynchronized emails" But there's no point bending over for google. A script is more suited for a work around to this.