Originally posted by SonicSam
Waited 5 hours...took 3 minutes
That's the problem with the US social insurance... when it comes to health the US just sucks... everything is private and there is no such thing as state-hospitals with statefunds, people must help themselves.
In europe everything is hold by the state. We pay more taxes, but a que doesn't exist here, hospitals, operations, medicins and other costs are all payed by the state, there is always personnel standby. Even the people who live on the street can be operated for free when they have something. It's all payed with those taxes. On your loan-paper there goes some money off (on 2000€ like 7€) for 'state-social-insurance'. in other words, everyone helps everyone. So hospitals are free anytime.
But in europe you need to be connected with the state's mutuality; which means that you do get the 20.000€ bill but you give it to the mutuality and they pay it (they manage that state-social-insurance account...). Also doctor visits, medicins are paritially payed back if you trade in your doctor/apotheque notes.... Like you have an identity card people are connected to that mutuality and it costs you some money but not much. People who have an income and don't want to be connected, will have to pay a part of their operation and won't be able to get medicins/doctors to be partially payed back. There are exceptions as on the street living people who can't be connected because they have no income, which the state directly pays every cost. In the US they let those people die in front of the hospital because they are not insured and the state pays nothing as everything is private. That really sucks. I think it's really worth the 10€ we pay every month because you can always get something enywhere anytime and the cost can be 30 times as high as you payed in total for the state-social-insurance.... afterall you pay weigh more actually
for a much worse system
Anyway i hope your dad gets better soon and one day your brother and him will get along, give it some time.