Hey everyone,
at last, it's that time of the year again. Next weekend I'll be heading to Toronto to satisfy my geeky needs, take pictures with some cool actors from Star Trek and amazingly hot girls dressed in Final Fantasy costumes. One thing will be different this year though: I'm going alone and for that reason, I have an extra ticket.
Because I wouldn't like to throw the tickets (they are non refundable) and becase going alone is less fun, I was wondering if one of you would care to come with me and enjoy the fun. You can find information about the expo at
http://www.hobbystar.com/ComicConToronto2006/CC_Main.asp .
I have an extra Anime Deluxe Pass (most complete expo pass) and an extra gold ticket to see William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy on sunday. If you're interested, just say so and give me what you can spare for the ticket(s), it will always be better that the recycle bin (especially for the Shatner/Nimoy ticket consdering its original price).
So well, I hope I'll get some positive answers. It's your one and only chance to see the wonderful Patchou this year in Toronto, you'll get to hear his totally un-funny jokes, his perverted remarks on females and his exceptional social skills talking about the evolution of the C language over time. Don't miss it!