Which religion am I? |
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Hmm, Just Me...
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RE: Which religion am I?
As you described, you'd have the stamp "Irreligious"
Me, I'm a christian, been baptised 'bout a year and 2 months
now. It was my own choice (no child baptism)
I've been raised as christian, and got in a dip a few years ago, I never expierenced God personally. I was beginning to doubt if he existed. So I asked Him to proof he exists...
The first thing I read in the Bible was Job 40:25-41:26, it describes a crocodile. So I asked God, if he existed I would see at least 3 crocodiles within the next week...
The week lasted, and nothing happened, I was getting a bit dissapointed...
Until at the end of the week I saw the movie about Moses, which had a crocodile in it, a while later in the movie I saw another 2
It was a christian movie, with 3 crocodiles... There was my prove
At that point I decided to get baptised.
In the week after that I saw alot more crocodiles. Even the hype about Schnappi (not known...) started that week. Never has a clip about a cartoon crocodile been so popular (Believe it was at the top of the charts for a while too)
For so far my 'little' Bio.
I can not believe there is no God...
How did we get here? Evolution...
Not likely. There's a very small chance every condition neede for us to live is met
And how do we evolve? If more than a dozen human DNA gens gets changed the person dies... the step from ape to human is about 5% which are thousands of gens
Survival of the fittest? what good is a reptile with half wings, half arms? he can't fly and he has a disadvantage in hunting
But I think you're indeed Irreligious (getting back on topic)
And I think people too easily say: "prove first, believe later"
Try asking God for proof, you have nothing to lose, do you?
Got questions? PM me. Flame me? PM me too, I don't mind
09-14-2006 04:54 PM |
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RE: Which religion am I?
quote: Originally posted by Shondoit
For so far my 'little' Bio.
I can not believe there is no God...
How did we get here? Evolution...
Not likely. There's a very small chance every condition neede for us to live is met
And how do we evolve? If more than a dozen human DNA gens gets changed the person dies... the step from ape to human is about 5% which are thousands of gens
Survival of the fittest? what good is a reptile with half wings, half arms? he can't fly and he has a disadvantage in hunting
What about dinosaurs? That would mean that we were around when dinosaurs were "created" by God, it's not right.
Evolution is the most approved theory of how we got here, thinking about it... It's the only one that makes sense.
What good is a reptile with half wings, half arms? Not a lot really, which you kind of answered yourself "survival of the fittest", they aren't here anymore, yet there is proof that they were here. The reason they're not here is because they died out, they didn't manage to survive only the fittest of the animals survived, ones that could scrape a living. The leaders of these are actually apes, yes that's the same league as humans. We've simply evolved better, have better brains etc.
I saw God once, in Jesus Christ Superstar, that was all I needed as proof that... God exists.
This post was edited on 09-14-2006 at 05:08 PM by user27089.
09-14-2006 05:00 PM |
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RE: Which religion am I?
quote: Originally posted by Shondoit
The first thing I read in the Bible was Job 40:25-41:26, it describes a crocodile. So I asked God, if he existed I would see at least 3 crocodiles within the next week...
The week lasted, and nothing happened, I was getting a bit dissapointed...
Until at the end of the week I saw the movie about Moses, which had a crocodile in it, a while later in the movie I saw another 2
It was a christian movie, with 3 crocodiles... There was my prove
At that point I decided to get baptised.
In the week after that I saw alot more crocodiles. Even the hype about Schnappi (not known...) started that week. Never has a clip about a cartoon crocodile been so popular (Believe it was at the top of the charts for a while too)
don't happen to live in a particularly crocodile-infested area by any chance?
..... ... . 
09-14-2006 05:03 PM |
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Hmm, Just Me...
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RE: Which religion am I?
Not at all... I live in the netherlands far from any crocodile (only in the zoo, and I don't get there often)
@Traxor, writing a reply, please hold...
quote: Originally posted by traxor
What about dinosaurs? That would mean that we were around when dinosaurs were "created" by God, it's not right.
Evolution is the most approved theory of how we got here, thinking about it... It's the only one that makes sense.
What good is a reptile with half wings, half arms? Not a lot really, which you kind of answered yourself "survival of the fittest", they aren't here anymore, yet there is proof that they were here. The reason they're not here is because they died out, they didn't manage to survive only the fittest of the animals survived, ones that could scrape a living. The leaders of these are actually apes, yes that's the same league as humans. We've simply evolved better, have better brains etc.
Yeah, God created dinosaurs... People in Africa report sightings of a great dinosaur living in a swamp. People, I believe somewhere near India, report sightings of a ptearodactyl (however you spell it) Also, dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible, in the book of Job 2 dinosaurs a described, named in the bible as Leviathan and Behemoth, and according to their description most likely a kronosaurus and a brachiosaurus
For more information about evolution and the bible search on google vid for Kent Hovind, or click hereCouldn't find it, I owe you this one (almost all of his vids) It does take a lot of time to watch those, as every vid is about an hour
Sorry it took a while, but I had to search things, people talking, ....etc
09-14-2006 05:08 PM |
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RE: Which religion am I?
When I read "religious" experiences like that, I'm always strongly reminded of the Jehova's whitness people I send from my door each year. (what's their right to pester me unasked?!)
I just like to point out, that what one person sees as proof that God exists, the other finds a huge coincidence.
In the example withthe crocodiles, I see a lot of holes and weaknesses. It's still a belief that you have. It's not a fact. Don't treat it as such.
09-14-2006 05:31 PM |
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RE: Which religion am I?
quote: Originally posted by Shondoit
Yeah, God created dinosaurs... People in Africa report sightings of a great dinosaur living in a swamp. People, I believe somewhere near India, report sightings of a ptearodactyl (however you spell it) Also, dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible, in the book of Job 2 dinosaurs a described, named in the bible as Leviathan and Behemoth, and according to their description most likely a kronosaurus and a brachiosaurus
For more information about evolution and the bible search on google vid for Kent Hovind, or click hereCouldn't find it, I owe you this one (almost all of his vids) It does take a lot of time to watch those, as every vid is about an hour
Sorry it took a while, but I had to search things, people talking, ....etc
Sightings? Surely if there's a massive dinosaur, then there would be more coverage on it, somebody would've taken at least one picture of it, and what are the chances are there only being one, there aren't any, because they don't exist. The same with a pterodactyl, nobody would be able to even miss one of those, they're flying creatures, that i'm pretty sure flew during the day-time! They'd be pretty easy to see! "Job 2" isn't a book, Job is a book, 2 is a chapter in that book. I have a bible in the bookshelf and it says nothing about Leviathan or Behemoth.
I'm not going to bother watching those videos, it's probably just a man shouting at the screen as to why God exists and that why scientists are all dickheads.
09-14-2006 05:32 PM |
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Hmm, Just Me...
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RE: Which religion am I?
The sightings where of people whom came from a jungle area, I'm not really sure about that though... and they said the saw more than one...
Also think about the loch ness monster, I don't think someone just made that up for fun... I do believe people eploit them after one person sighted it...
I said "in the book of Job 2 dinosaurs are described" it's about two dino's not the second chapter of Job...
Your bible doesn't say anything about behemoth or leviathan, cause those names are translated as hippopotamus and crocodile, its in Job 40-41 (maybe end of 39 too)
This translation is incorrect, as it says in the bible "It has a tail like a cedar tree". ever saw a hippo with a tail like that?
"He finds his food in the mountains" ever saw a hippo up there?
And it describes the "crocodile" as having a breath of fire, and smoke coming out of his nostrills..
Really sounds like those dragon legends, from medieval times.. I believe they existed then too...
As for the vids...
He is not at all shouting at the screen about the scientists...
He was a scientist himself, he thinks there's nothing wrong with science, but he also thinks there's no evidence for evolution
Please judge after you've watched the video's or don't judge at all
-edit- quote: Originally posted by Fanta
When I read "religious" experiences like that, I'm always strongly reminded of the Jehova's whitness people I send from my door each year. (what's their right to pester me unasked?!)
I just like to point out, that what one person sees as proof that God exists, the other finds a huge coincidence.
In the example withthe crocodiles, I see a lot of holes and weaknesses. It's still a belief that you have. It's not a fact. Don't treat it as such
Jehova's whitnesses are not exactly christians, they believe you get in heaven when you do good deeds, for example bringing the "good news" to people...
As a christian we do not believe in good deeds for heaven, we believe Jesus is our way to heaven
I never said it was a fact, it was just my proof to believe
-edit2- I also found the site: Here
Especialy the seminars are informative
This post was edited on 09-14-2006 at 06:00 PM by Shondoit.
09-14-2006 05:50 PM |
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RE: Which religion am I?
quote: Originally posted by Shondoit
but he also thinks there's no evidence for evolution
what?! that's like saying there's no evidence for... bread!
09-14-2006 05:53 PM |
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RE: Which religion am I?
quote: Originally posted by Shondoit
Your bible doesn't say anything about behemoth or leviathan, cause those names are translated as hippopotamus and crocodile, its in Job 40-41 (maybe end of 39 too)
This translation is incorrect, as it says in the bible "It has a tail like a cedar tree". ever saw a hippo with a tail like that?
"He finds his food in the mountains" ever saw a hippo up there?
And it describes the "crocodile" as having a breath of fire, and smoke coming out of his nostrills..
Really sounds like those dragon legends, from medieval times.. I believe they existed then too...
Wtf, the bible != medieval. If you believe in dragons, you're either from Finland or mental.
Some people are extremists about their faith, they look at it like "God send me some water if you're real!" Then you see a Tescos van drive past with some Malvern Springwater on it...
I think there's more than enough proof that evolution is right.
This post was edited on 09-14-2006 at 06:07 PM by user27089.
09-14-2006 06:03 PM |
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RE: Which religion am I?
quote: Originally posted by Shondoit
it says in the bible "It has a tail like a cedar tree". ever saw a hippo with a tail like that?
No, but I haven't ever seen a talking snake either. Yet Adam and Eva were convinced to eat forbidden fruit by a snake, weren't they?
This post was edited on 09-14-2006 at 06:11 PM by Menthix.
09-14-2006 06:09 PM |
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