If you would like to suggest some ideas to make our script simplier and easier to use then please feel free to contact us. You can either reply right here, in the thread about the script (see my signature for the link) or by email (you can find NanaFreak's and me email addresses in our profiles). We would love to help make our script more appealing for everyone. The reason why we have it the way we do at the moment is to allow for as many different possibilities as possible. I do realise by doing so it has become a little harder to use, but there is more customizability (something I feel very strongly about).
There are problems with the other scripts that we have rectified in ours, these include:
- groups/individual colours so as not to annoy people who do not have messenger plus! and therefore cannot see the colours but can only see the colour codes
- more customizability of the colours used (with easy to use and common colour choosing interfaces)
- allowing for !commands (in an update to be released soon)
- can have other formatting (bolding, italics, strike-through and underline)
- colouring for MP! 3.xx contacts (as there is a new system of colour codes in MP!L but it still allows for the old ones too)
If there is something you would like then just ask please, it will be my pleasure to try and do it for you as I'm sure there are others that haven't asked.
EDIT: The IRC stuff is for your contacts that only have Messenger Plus! 3.xx so as they can see the colouring and formatting.