Originally posted by billywoods1
Impossible. Sorry.
(Well, it's possible, but your contacts won't see them.)
If my contacts won't see my customized status line... it makes no sense, it's completely useless.
Oh well! Anyway! Let's vote then for easiest things:
More sounds: we need to express more emotions, especially, different kinds of laughs. Ah, and they must be more accesible if possible (currently I'm using shortcuts to quickly play the kiss and the evil laugh, the ones I most use). Besides, the sounds should be customizable, and we should be able to add new ones.
Apply colours and styles in a easier and quicker way... i.e. with buttons.
Log viewer. The MSN 6 log viewer is a crap. I would prefer the txt file we have now. So, please, keep it or create a worthy log viewer.
* Looking at MSN 6: why don't
display a different picture in each chat window if you like?? This way, not all my contacts will see the same picture.
* Thumb-up on the
pop-ups for the events.
* Thumb-down on letting people know that you have blocked them. I don't want to be giving explanations to those who I temporally block, or block definitively.
And that's all for now. Can't wait till I have both MSN 6 and Messenger Plus! working together!!