Consider this thread closed - do not bring it up for discussion again, or any kind of discussion about bypassing school systems, networks, proxies - you'll be banned.
The laptop is your schools property, it is locked down so it works on their corporate network without possible infection of viruses, or an altered level of system access, and actually works properly with their supported software.
People who think they own these machines need to step back & read their schools code of conduct, or the rules they were supplied with when they received the machine. It is not yours to do what you see fit with. I think you'll find that you can easily be suspended for what you're doing and have your laptop taken off you.
I work for two schools & manage their networks, this is the exact kind of thing which extremely pisses us off and we suspend students for.
Originally posted by Ryxpia
He also might have a legit reason to unfreeze the HDD. What if he piled all his homework/assignments/etc. on it, then where would it go? It would be deleted after he reboots. I see no reason for him not to unfreeze it if he is in that situation.
There is a particular reason flash drives, portable hard drives & CD burners were invented.