since a few days my friends annoy me with - for my messenger - unreadable icons. Then I heard about msmsgs PLUS and so found your site.
I am using the pidgin messenger and can't (time problem) and do not want to use the microsoft messenger.
I am using Pidgin (opensource).
Well, pidgin doesn't know anything about msmsgs plus and so tells me ... letters like &##2355 so msmsgs PLUS codes.
As I am programming things, I would build an extension to Pidgin.
Allthough there were some threads about the sourcecode, the sourcecode itself won't be necessary.
As i had seen on my Pidgin, msmsgsPLUS seems to work via the text interface, like HTML, so if a text e.g. shoulg be bold or laughing, etc., there stands sth. like "&#laughing text".
So if you could explain the technic of the code extensions,
I would most probably be able to create a plugin for Pidgin (and perhaps for some other messengers, if their output can be manipulated enough^^)
So you wouldn't need to tell the SourceCode and won't have problems with these msn guys (as i read somewhere) and I (and many others
) would be happy and msmsgs would become more public (of course I would mention about you, who created the framework and link this page, etc.) as it would be (much) more compatible to the non microsoft (and so non adverted
) world.
MfG, (yours sincerly)
btw.: Can you give me a link about the MSN Messenger Server commands & RFC's with some examples?