in your resgroup for 9.0 compatability you had listed 2 instances of the 947 styles file, because of that it didnt know which copy to use, ive fixed that but still getting no joy.
the only thing i can think of that stands out is this block of code from your universal resgroup
<Style Id="1004"><File></File></Style>
<Style Id="44104"><File></File></Style>
<Style Id="45704"><File></File></Style>
this 3 style files do not appear anywhere in your skins folder as a result im assuming that when it looks for this files and cant find them it causes a problem that prevents it from loading the skin properly, if you are not including these files i would suggest removing this code, if you do intend to include these files then theorectically everything should work once they have been added
please note that im not 100% sure about what if any effect these 3 files have on your skin if they are or are not present.
please let me know how it goes, the new skinpack is attached.