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[Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 2.2.021)
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RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 2.0.008)
hi,I've just downloaded the new version..the previous was working great..the new one..doesn't work! why??
i reinstalled it ..deactivated-activated..but nothing..
04-03-2008 11:39 AM
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O.P. RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 2.0.008)
Originally posted by kostakiss
hi,I've just downloaded the new version..the previous was working great..the new one..doesn't work! why??
i reinstalled it ..deactivated-activated..but nothing..
Could you be a little bit more specific? What exactly isn't functioning: the preferences window, a certain feature, the installation of the script itself, or something else?

Here are some things which might help me finding the problem when you specify them:
  • In a conversation window, send (!VER) to a contact (a bot or someone who doesn't care). The message which is then sent should contain your Windows version, Messenger version and Plus! version. This information may help when it's a version-specific issue.
  • If possible, some debugging information of Countdown Live can help a lot, as it can contain describing information of the problem.
    To do this, you first need to enable script debugging in Plus! Live. Open the Plus! script preferences (Plus! Scripts Menu > Script Preferences), then make sure the option "Enable debugging options" is checked and click OK.
    Then, you can open the script debugger (Plus! Scripts Menu > Show Script Debugging). Select "Countdown Live" from the list, try to simulate the problem (for example, opening the window or installing the script) and see if anything appears in the text box below. Then, copy-paste that in your reply.
  • If you can, attach a screenshot of your problem.
    Open the window with the problem (the error box, the preferences window,...) then press Alt+PrintScreen (or Alt+PrtScrn depending on your keyboard). Open Paint (or any other graphics editor) and paste (Ctrl+V) the image. Save it and attach it to your reply by using the "Attachment" field in the "Post Reply" form.
Start by simply describing your problem! As a script developer, I can't do anything with a reply saying that it doesn't work. What's it? How can I know what is wrong when you don't say what's happening at your side? How can I find a solution when I don't know the problem?

Please, reply and clarify what's the problem. :)
Plus! Script Developer | Plus! Beta Tester | Creator of Countdown Live | Co-developer of Screenshot Sender 5

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04-03-2008 05:10 PM
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RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 2.0.008)
How exactly do I add the counter to my current nickname? I dont see my current nickname in a textbox anywhere.
05-07-2008 11:16 PM
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RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 2.0.008)
Originally posted by riahc4
How exactly do I add the counter to my current nickname? I dont see my current nickname in a textbox anywhere.

Second tab in the preferences... its pretty clear imho...

Or simply insert the needed countdown tag in your nickname or PSM yourself.
Its also well explained on the official website of this script.

This post was edited on 05-08-2008 at 08:40 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
05-08-2008 08:36 AM
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O.P. RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 2.0.008)
Originally posted by riahc4
How exactly do I add the counter to my current nickname? I dont see my current nickname in a textbox anywhere.
It would have no use to load your current nickname in a text box, as you'll probably want a different nickname when you're adding a countdown in it. :P

As Cookie already explained, it's in the Places tab.
  1. Check the button next to "Nickname".
  2. Type your desired nickname.
  3. Insert the countdowns, either by typing the (!CD1) or (!CD2) tag or using the drop-down button.
  4. Make sure that the countdowns are enabled (look at the preview!), if not, enable them from the Settings tab.
  5. Click OK or Apply. :)
Do you really want me to write step-by-step tutorials about how to do this or what? I've been using scripts which were lots more complicated to use! But if you have a suggestion to improve the script usability, feel free to share it. ;)
Plus! Script Developer | Plus! Beta Tester | Creator of Countdown Live | Co-developer of Screenshot Sender 5

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05-08-2008 03:53 PM
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RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 2.0.008)
Well this doesnt work very well...

I set the counter to July 4th at 0:00:00 and it says there are 19 days left (from May 14th)
05-14-2008 09:04 PM
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O.P. RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 2.0.008)
Well, the fact that it says "19 days" is caused because it calculates the months too. If you add the amount of months in, you'll see "1 month and 19 days", which is (almost?) correct.

To solve your problem, you can use the total amount of days remaining, by using the "%td" and "%tdw" units. They can also be found in the insert menu button. In the next version, I'm going to extend that functionality a bit more, in case you want to display years and days but no months for example. As for now, the "%td" unit will do just fine. :)
Plus! Script Developer | Plus! Beta Tester | Creator of Countdown Live | Co-developer of Screenshot Sender 5

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05-15-2008 04:30 PM
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RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 2.0.008)
Although it is correct, I don't know who wants to use only one of the normal (non-total) %d, %m, etc tags on their own, that makes no sense.

Isn't it 'smarter' that the script actually reconizes in an inteligent way what combination of tags are being used and thus how it needs to calculate the tags (like it is done in my countdown plugin/script)?

eg: If you only use months and days, it will display 1 month 19 days. But if you would use only the days tag it would display 49 days (or whatever the correct amount would be for that period).

A lot less confusing in that way, you keep the versatility of the script and people can still use whatever they want... And the calculation of the tags can be made a lot shorter and smarter, which equals a lot faster. And if you'd whish you could include a lot more time tags without any problems. Eg: the fact that you say in the next version you're going to include the possebility to use years and days together suggests that the calculation is quite complicated now and not versatile/robust or easly extendible. With the system I prupose you wouldn't even consider "adding more combinations" since every possible combination you can think of would already be possible just like that. It would even make it possible to treat months and years like scientific or fiscale months and years without problems. Didn't I send you the source of my Countdown plugin/script once?

This post was edited on 05-15-2008 at 05:11 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
05-15-2008 04:59 PM
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O.P. RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 2.0.008)
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Eg: the fact that you say in the next version you're going to include the possebility to use years and days together suggests that the calculation is quite complicated now and not versatile/robust or easly extendible. With the system I prupose you wouldn't even consider "adding more combinations" since every possible combination you can think of would already be possible just like that.
It's not that the combination is causing a problem, it's the fact that you want to leave out a unit. :P

I understand that currently, it's a search-and-replace function which doesn't really detect what you're using. I could give it a try, but I think I should then make it an option which is turned on by default and can be disabled. But it will make it all damn complicated to implement on the current system, and I don't want to do a complete rewrite-from-scratch again yet. :P
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Didn't I send you the source of my Countdown plugin/script once?
No, you didn't. :P
If you could send it over to me, that'd be great to learn something new and re-implement your ingenious thinking work. :)
Plus! Script Developer | Plus! Beta Tester | Creator of Countdown Live | Co-developer of Screenshot Sender 5

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05-15-2008 05:46 PM
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RE: [Release] Countdown Live (Latest: 2.0.008)
Hey Mattike nice script! I've used CD L before, but then I reinstalled it couple days back and I must say, the interface is definitely more user-friendly.

One suggestion though, not directly at your script, but all countdown scripts, is to be able to select to in/exclude Saturdays and/or Sundays. For example...to countdown school-related topics (i.e., exams), it would make sense to count the classes left (imo)(Mon-Fri), and for employees, maybe Mon.-Sat..
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06-03-2008 02:45 AM
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