O.P. Plus Icon in IMWindow
Why did you choose to put it the Plus! icon in that specific location within the conversation window? Having so much space above the contact's DP window and even more below it (or even have it to the left of that black, downwards pointing arrow in the contact's DP or even better: my own) why would you go ahead and put it in the most used area of the conversation window? I know it can be disabled, but the functionality (shortcut-wise) it brings to your program is too big to live without.
Could you maybe consider relocating it?
And what abou the /sound command? The sound panel that pops up after typing that command is meant to be controlled with the mouse. It's a little uncomfortable to have to reach for the keyboard, type the command and then grab the mouse to select what sound to send. I truly beleive it would be better if the /sound command was integrated as a menu in the Plus! icon within the convo windows.
Thanks for your time,