O.P. A question of plausibility
I was wondering if it were possible/plausible to have a script that when you used a certain keyboard shortcut, it brought up a pop-up menu of different statuses and you could click on one.
I don't think there's anything out there that does this, at least I've been searching for it but having no idea what search term to use other than 'status', I understandably was left digging through quite a mountain of threads with, sadly, no luck - I started going light-headed after a while, it was almost like being stoned except with more of an urge to pass out than to snack.
So, yeah, this isn't a request as such as I don't even know if such a thing would be possible (I suspect/hope it is but I would appreciate it if someone with more knowledge of scripting could confirm this for me).
That said, I suppose that if it is true, then I would quite like someone to make such a thing (I'm a terrible coder myself and am not familiar in any way with how scripting works with msgplus).
Anyway, thanks for reading and especially so if you're able to help.