you surely recognized that i wrote suqquestion and not suggestion. this is not because i think it's stylish to write q instead of g or because i love Us
but because i don't know whether this "feature" already exists. i know that stuffplug from "theblasphemer" had a feature like this. but i don't want to install stuffplug just for this feature. so i searched for a script. but when i enter "smiley" in the search text field no results are found
so: 1. is there an option/ feature/ plug-in/ script that disables the standard emotictons of msn? i mean that you write
and it is not converted into the emoticon but just stay as a : and a ) and i don't want to disable smileys, i just want to type
without sending a smiley...
2. i have a suggestion: make a script that disalbes them!
ok this would be really cool. thanks for answers!