Ok... read the topic fully now...
1st.. Patchou, altough i still visit here from time to time... i ain't officially giving support here on the forum. I'm not a admin/moderator anymore, just a normal member.... i stopped being a admin here on the foorum because i wanted todo other things, which is not meaning i don't like Plus! anymore.
More info:
2nd.. v2.0... yeah.... can say nothing but goodieness about that
3rd.. scripting...

, do you still have those documents about scripting we send you like 4 months ago??
4.. building it from scratch.... sound like a good thing todo, but please be sure to keep all the good old features in it

Owww... and make it compitable with MSN 5.x (just browsed over a dutch site where they discussed MSN 5.0 beta... more then 20 people asked why Plus! didn't work

5... adding new features... great (especialy my personal favourite... scripting!) but when yur gonna build from scratch... get the old features back first/ MSN5 compitible after that... new features are very welcome
http://shoutbox.menthix.net/suggestions.php )
- Patchou has the right to make fun of you.
- Patchou has the right to not do a thing.
- Patchou has the right to kinda suck

- Patchou has the right to make nothing new.
- Patchou has the right to kick your ass

You don't like it?? Fine, buy the right to criticize him... Pay Patchou $20,000 (just like SmarterChild did) and he will make a special new version, just for you

Wut!? you don't have $20,000... hmmm... in that case, be patient, remember, Plus! is free, it's a gift
Ok, enough talking.... welcome back Patchou!
BTW: When Plus! gets devoped again... i'll be happy to betatest.
And when a new version gets released (read: forum starts getting crowded again) i might come back here to be moderator/admin again and give tech support, ideas and stuff