Originally posted by Spunky
If you take a look at a few threads around here, you'll notice it's because of people not using Smartscreen that Microsoft have had to disable urls in messages. You may be taking a second or two off loading times for websites, but open yourself up to viruses and phishing attacks. I highly recommend people don't do this
While I understand there may be some security problems when you visit certain URL, the solution Microsoft put in place just isn't right. Having to pass a security warning each time you click on a bunch of links that a trusted friend pastes (event if that's from the same website!), it's just ridiculous. There should be some option to disable this, or AT LEAST something to set a list of trusted websites/friends. There is no point in forcing all users to suffer this, including those who are able to protect themselves. Microsoft wouldn't act differently if they'd want their users to run away from WLM.
A simple warning popping on top of the conversation window when a link is pasted would be as efficient, and much less annoying.
But thank you for sharing your opinion on this.
And I apologize for my probable syntax mistakes