First off, Muss, I think ur little pic. thing is prety aweful
Secondly, I hate REAL player too, but I have it bcz there are still quite a few sites that use .ram
Also, Microsoft isn't as bad as people make it out to be, though they do have their faults, but still, I found this one prety funny (look what the extra buttons say: )
Though I find this funny, I haven't had one problem with my XBOX...oh crashed 4 days after I bought it and I had to get it exchanged
OK, nevermind what I said b4 about my XBOX being problem free
but AFTER I exchanged I didn't have any problms with it...until I tried to get on XBOX LIVE....ok, AFTER THAT! I didn't have any problems with it...
Sock, in SP2 this summer they will be making improvements to IE such as Tabbed Browsing and a dwld manager, so you can't claim they NEVER update it
Just rarely