Originally posted by Patchou
I agree IE is starting to be way behind. I just want to say something about the famous http standard. Netscape is the worst complient browser currently available and they are the one who didn't follow the standard in the beginning (when every used their software). IE is very standard complient, and of course they've added lots of stuff. The web has evolved a lot in the past 5 years, the standard has not, and Microsoft has always been good to push new stuff...
I'm sorry, but I totaly disagree with this... It is not Netscape's (Mozilla's) fault that the W3C group doesn't update the standard as much as everybody wants (and it is as good aswell, or there will be even more problems). On that matter, Mozilla is doing what a good browser should do, following the standard...
Many times I say: "Mozilla is more complient to the standard then MSIE". What I mean by this (because that isn't exactly true) is that MSIE has more own stuff added. And many times, this new stuff is their own variant of an existing implementation/standard. The problem with this is that people think that this IS the standard, which totaly isn't...
It is great that MSIE adds stuff which web developers can use. But a good web developer would not use those strictly MSIE functions, but will use the W3C standard functions, until those MSIE functions get accepted by the W3C standard... If a webpage is created following the standard then it will show up correctly on every browser!
Don't blame Netscape (Mozilla) for bad webpage development!
An example: mess.be... How often didn't I hear people bashing at Netscape/Mozilla because mess.be didn't show up right, while it was dwergs fault because he made HTML mistakes. The reason why it showed up "right" in MSIE was exactly that MSIE didn't follow the standard as it should...
Originally posted by Chris Boulton
I agree on the fact that netscape is currently the worst browser, its very bloated, and is using the old Gecko based rendering engine.
The only extra things that comes with Netscape are the AOL things like AOL IM. But these things can be not installed or ripped of the suite. The only thing you have left is like every other browser
suite: a browser, a mailclient, a composer... This is as bloated as every other suite... and while talking about bloated (I can shoot the ball back), what's up with all those useless toolbars, popup-blockers, plugins, etc... in for example Opera? Sure you can choose not to install it.... well, that's the same for Netscape....
Gecko: old rendering engine? what's the new then?
I realy don't want to defent Netscape more (although I use it along MSIE) as any other browser. The pro that one browser has, is the con for another and vice versa. It all comes down to personal taste and what you need. I can imagine, that if you only are interested in a browser, you don't want a mailclient. But in that case, d/l the browser only and compare that. To be mean: or should we start comparing Netscape suite with MSIE+Outlook Express+Frontpage????