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Netscape = illness?
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RE: Netscape = illness?
Originally posted by PlusFan

First things first, I know the website and have read it all before...
He's just promoting Opera (his good right, but often fails to give complete information). He is not giving decent comparable info...

Let's play the advocate of the devil a bit. I'm going to reply to some arguments. By doing so I will reply sometimes with sarcasm, generalizing or not completely accurate info aswell, just to show that this guy doesn't give the whole picture and is just promoting Opera by not informing his users completely...

...Very often I find that people who use Internet Explorer have gotten used to putting up with all sorts of things that they assume (incorrectly) that they cannot change...
That's not only for MSIE users... In fact, this has nothing todo with browsers... so... very stupid argument...

...They think they have to accept constant security patches...
What is he saying here? He's suggesting NOT to accept security updates??? (He proberly means, that MSIE has alot of security issues, but he should have said that then.)

...It has become increasingly popular to wrap some sort of a skin around the Internet Explorer engine and try to pass it off as a new browser....
If that is the case then it is called A SKIN, not a browser...

...The Mozilla folks claim that Mozilla Firebird (née Phoenix) is "A Lean, Mean Browsing Machine". Lean and Mean? Compared to who? But saying you are "lean and mean" compared to Internet Explorer is like saying you are in better shape than Jabba the Hutt!
Compared to other browsers of course (including Opera)... "Lean 'n mean"? Every mother thinks her child is the most beautiful thing in the world... Btw, that guy is doing just the same only not so obvious...

...Compare that to Opera's 3.3 MB - which includes a revolutionary mail program and several features only available as separate downloads in Mozilla Firebird...
Not exactly complete info... Mozilla is a suite, it includes a mailprogram also. Firebird is the standalone browser...

...Opera's ability to change skins leaves other browsers in the dust... blah blah... change buttons... blah blah... toolbars...
You can skin other browsers as well...

...The first one is large icons, the second one is small icons, and the third is a list of fields, including 18 - that's right 18 - search engine options.
Talking about "bloated"... Oh, ic, because it is Opera he's talking about, he calls it "amazing options and choices"...

...Mozilla users may recognize this as similar to Find-As-You-Type, except that Opera gives you a visual cue that a search has been initiated.
...again not complete info, Mozilla gives also a visible cue in the statusbar and it plays a short sound when something is/isn't found.

...Once you have the letters you want to search for, you can press F3...
This is almost a standard in the Windows world. I thought he was talking about the benefits of switching to Opera? Or is it a usermanual now?

...Given the importance of searching in today's web, it's hard to imagine a more practical and useful feature...
Personal I find the search functions very very very bloated and useless. I mean, if you don't know HOW to search something, you wont find it just because you have tons of search engines... And if you KNOW how to search then you don't need all that fancy stuff...

...You can assign an optional unique nickname with any page...
With Mozilla also...

...downloading files...
Personaly I don't like this and prefer the "old" way (I'm not going to give here my reasons for it as it is hard to explain, but it has todo with the fact that I want to decide when and what to download. Although it seems like something nice for 90% of the internet users.)

...Opera will re-open all the pages that were open before Opera shut down. That is a pretty amazing (and unique to Opera) feature... ...or some other page that you realizied you wanted back. But it was gone... ...Opera will re-open the last window that you closed. Nobody else has that...
ahum... "history"

...There are a lot of bad web pages out there. Want to make them better? User Style Sheets...
Again, other browsers have that aswell...

So, I know I was vague with some things, up to you to search for more :p It was just to prove the point that he doesn't compare the different browsers in a objective manner... Granted, Opera has many shortcuts and key combinations and sometimes they are handy. But most Opera features are NOT unique to Opera... Again, it comes down to GUI and what you personaly prefer. So, 1 word: "looks", not "features"... If you like Opera for its GUI then by all means, use it... If you like Opera because of its features, then I suggest to take a look at the other browsers, because they have the same features in one way or another...
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
02-29-2004 07:22 PM
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