Originally posted by Hedj
I run Windows XP, and I can't get the Handwriting plugin working either, because it disallows me to start conversations when I try to install the plugin... Yet I can't find the "Ink Redistributable" that the Handwriting plugin says I need before installation...
You answered your own problem. You need to install the "Ink Redistributable"...
Originally posted by Hedj
Best thing to do is install InfoPen instead, go to your Messenger Plus! 2\Plugins folder, and delete the following two files when Messenger isn't open:
1) It isn't the best thing todo...
InfoPen is a packet that enables Ink Messages for Outlook (Express). In doing so, it has an extra feature to enable them also in MSN Messenger.
2) The plugin, is just to enable them in MSN Messenger, nothing more...
3) Did you read developers.txt? developers.txt isn't part of the plugin. It is a very short explaination for developers of how to create a plugin for Messenger Plus!. So, it is part of Messenger Plus! Evenso, a text document is a text document, nothing more. It isn't a crucial part of ANY program.
Originally posted by Hedj
Until I find the ink redistributable, I won't be able to solve this. If anybody knows where it is or could send it to me via e-mail, Messenger or AIM, I'd be more than happy if they could. If they find a website with it, they could post it here so the problem is solved for everyone.
Did you READ the "manual"/"readme"/"instructions"/whatever you wanna call it that comes with the plugin????????? The Ink Redistributables are within the archive itself. You don't need to find them, you already have them...
I'm sorry to sound so harsh, but I'm getting bored with people who don't read instructions that comes with something. Not understanding instructions is another thing, but you clearly didn't read them. And you don't need to be a computer-wizard to figure out you need to read instructions.