Here in Argentina a simultaneous manifestation took place supporting the spanish ones:
Originally posted by saralk
Why do people have to go off on unrealted rants, this topic is about the tradgedy that happened yesterday. Lets first think about that, and give the politics a rest.
Well, this tragedy has probably much more to do with the war in Irak than what you think. It's quite on topic.
Originally posted by jpg050
A friend of mine problably saved his life because he got asleep yesterday.
It's amazing how many of these stories are around. I live thousands of kms away, still I have friends who know people who saved themselves that way.
I believe Mr "Ansar", president of the Spanish Republic, is hiding some info, at least until the Sunday elections are over. Don't know who has been
It's very
how the Spanish government *too obviously* says "no no no no no, believe us, it WAS the ETA". They are sinking themselves... Aznar knows that if Al-qaeda was the author, his position in Sunday's election is completely lost.
(and later mixes the oil with water, to make it even cheaper, I suppose) ...
And sells it in Repsol YPF in Argentina
Originally posted by Sticky
i hope the people responsible for this get caught, lets hope for the actions of a few people we DO NOT over-react and go and bomb the fk out of another country. Afghanistan/Iraq
War solves nothing