Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by NoName
Originally posted by whYeNQue
What about the boss protection or locked messenger compatability?
Wouter has been looking into that , I talked with him yesterday. The only way too really tell if Messenger Plus! has gone into Boss Protection is to read the registry setting...
The problem is , the setting is always set to 1 wether you are in Boss Protection mode or not. So he is gonna have to talk to patchou about it.
No, that key isn't for that... that key holds the status that the Boss Protection uses when it is activated...
value 0 = Status "Online"
value 1 = Status "Busy"
value 2 = Status "Be right back"
value 3 = Status "Away"
There is no key in the registry that is set when you go into Boss Protection, (or Messenger Lock for that matter)...
so.... is it gonna happen... is it possible... or i shouldnt get my hopes up too much?