Originally posted by CookieRevised
Spelling error
in DefaultContactSigninSound-description:
...You have to do that yoursself in...
that has been copy-pasted from
http://www.msgplus.net/help_registry.php so tell patchou...
j/k I'll change that.
Maybe add to ChangeSecurityWarning the possebility to set the times that the securitymessage will be shown. From 0 to 5 (the only normal default Messenger settings) or unlimited (if you set it to 0xFFFFFFFF... see that other thread.)
It's a tweaker for plus not messenger... and also, if the user uses that setting, I suppose s/he's using msn messenger 5 not 6, don't you think? Anyway, I'm lazy to add that setting (too much code for little result: the setting is not in HKCU\Software\Patchou\MsgPlus2)