RE: Messenger Plus! 3 - ALBANIAN - Translation
Bassreflex, I've told you before to check your translation before you submit it. This a very poor translation, certainly not worthy to be included in Plus!3, in my opinion...
In every window I look I've found errors. Here that quick-list of all the errors I've found...
original: OriginalFormat=Unicode
fixed: OriginalFormat=ANSI
(reason: there are no Unicode-characters used, so it's useless to save it as unicode and waste the extra space.)
original: CurrentLanguageA=Albanian
fixed: CurrentLanguageA=Shqip
(reason: see the TranslationGuidelines.doc)
original: Def1Cmd=Shpull
original: Def2Cmd=CopėQokollate
original: Def3Cmd=Puthje e Madhe
fixed: Def1Cmd=Slap
fixed: Def2Cmd=ChocolateBar
fixed: Def3Cmd=BigKiss
(reason: Patchou asked not to translate these keys. See comments in DefaultLg.dat.)
original: EditSizeLbl=Madhėsia e zėvendėsimit nuk guxon tė tejkalojė atė tė tekstit origjinal
fixed: EditSizeLbl=Madhėsia e zėvendėsimit nuk guxon tė tejkalojė atė tė tekstit origjinal.
(reason: point missing at end of sentence. Check this for ALL other sentences also!)
original: TextTop=kuadroi i Ikonave tė Shpejta ėshtė paraqitur kur ( shkronja ėshtė shkruar nė bisedė ose kur shkurtesa e vėnė ėshtė shtypur. Kjo dritare paraqet tė gjitha fytyrat, fytyrat e kostumizuara tė zgjidhjes suaj, dhe i'ua sjell mėnyrėn mė tė shpejtė dhe efikase tė zgjedhjes sė drejtė tė fytyrės. Ky kuadrozhduket automatikisht kur ju vazhdoni tė shkruani
fixed: TextTop=kuadroi i Ikonave tė Shpejta ėshtė paraqitur kur ( shkronja ėshtė shkruar nė bisedė ose kur shkurtesa e vėnė ėshtė shtypur. Kjo dritare paraqet tė gjitha fytyrat, fytyrat e kostumizuara tė zgjidhjes suaj, dhe i'ua sjell mėnyrėn mė tė shpejtė dhe efikase tė zgjedhjes sė drejtė tė fytyrės. Ky kuadrozhduket automatikisht kur ju vazhdoni tė shkruani.
(reason: forgotten point at the end of sentence. Again check this for other sentences.)
original: Title=
fixed: Title=????????
(reason: translation is missing)
original: Text1=Nėse e vėnė, veēoria e Kujtesės sė Teksteve i mbanė nė mend tė gjitha mesazhet nė ēdo Dritare Bisede. Kjo ėshtė e nevojshme kur ju dėshironi t'i pėrsėrisni ato vetė (shiko gjithashtu Cituesin ).
fixed: Text1=Nėse e vėnė, veēoria e Kujtesės sė Teksteve i mbanė nė mend tė gjitha mesazhet nė ēdo Dritare Bisede. Kjo ėshtė e nevojshme kur ju dėshironi t'i pėrsėrisni ato vetė (shiko gjithashtu Cituesin).
(reason: space before end-parenthese. Check this for all other sentences!)
original: PrefixMsg=Shto para&shtesė nė mesazhet e mia tė vjetra
fixed: PrefixMsg=Shto para&shtesė nė mesazhet e mia tė vjetra
(reason: double spaces. Check this for all other sentences!)
original: Label3=Zė nė Dajle
fixed: Label3=Zė nė Dajle:
(reason: forgotten doublepoint. Check this for all other labels!)
original: NotSignedIn=Ju lutem futuni qė tė konfiguroni kėtė veēori
fixed: NotSignedIn=Ju lutem futuni qė tė konfiguroni kėtė veēori.
(reason: forgotten point at the end of sentence... same old story)
original: TitleMail=Njoftohu me e-maila tė rinjė nga kontot tjera tė tuaja.
fixed: TitleMail=Njoftohu me e-maila tė rinjė nga kontot tjera tė tuaja
(reason: all the other titles don't have a point at the end, so keep it consequent. Either all titles have a point at the end, or either none titles have a point at the end)
original: Next=%Vazhdo >
fixed: Next=&Vazhdo >
(reason: wrong character for the ampersand-use.)
original: TimeLabel=Koha:
fixed: TimeLabel=Koha: %s
(reason: special identifier missing)
original: TranslationAuthors=BassReFLeX (
fixed: TranslationAuthors=BassReFLeX
(reason: no sites allowed in the author-field, you've been told before about this.)
Translations that are too long!:
Doublecheck your translation for:
- Double spaces. (<space><space> instead of <space>)
- Inconsequent stuff, like <space>:, : or points at the end of sentences in some titles and no points in other titles.
This post was edited on 05-23-2004 at 10:01 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.