But a big tip:
The thing is, we can report bugs and suggestions but you need to check similar things also. Especially if we give examples of errors. That means that you must fix the example, but also look for any other similar errors.
For example, I said
[Dialog.ImpExport]ExpGenPrefCheck was too long and I suggested to loose the things between the "(" and ")". But this means, you not only need to fix this example but also you need to check the other similar keys:
ImpGenPrefCheck=Importno preferencat e &pėrgjithshme (tekstet e shpejta, statuset...)
ImpContactCheck=Importo informacione tė veēanta pėr ko&ntaktin (zėra, emra,...)
ExpGenPrefCheck=Eksporto preferencat e &pėrgjithshme
ExpContactCheck=Eksporto informacionin e veēant tė k&ontaktit (zėrat, emrat,...)
(all four are too long, but you only fixed the example I gave
And that's why we keep reporting errors and you keep fixing them. So if you did check other instances of the same error that we report, you wouldn't had so much work to do...
anyways, hang on and I'll fix some more (technical) things for you... I'll post the new file in half an hour...
PS: And don't follow the original English translation
too literaly. There can be mistakes there too. For example:
PersoStatNoContactMsg=..........will be sent.\n(if you don't, this option serves no purpose really :).
Patchou started the sentence with "(" and ended with ".", because ":)" is meant as a smiley. So this is wrong. It should either be:
(if you don't, this option serves no purpose really :))
If you don't, this option serves no purpose really :).
EDIT2: And you say you can't shorten anymore lines... Well, yes you always can. I see that you translate many lines word for word literaly from English. This isn't needed. You must translate the English lines, and stay as close as possible, yes, true. But you can also say things in an other way. As long as the essence is kept. For example:
ShortcutLbl=Reseto shkurtesėn e Statusit:
This is too long, yet you say you can't truncate it anymore, but I think you can:
The whole paragraph is about the shortcut, so if your literal translation is too long, you can loose the name "Reset Status"...
Another example of how you can shorten sentences:
Text1=Messenger Plus! mund tė kontrolloj vetėm konto tė hotmailit. Messenger Plus! pėrparon me anė tė kontrollimit tė POP3 e-mail kontove.
This is again too long, but why not make it into 1 sentence?
Text1=Messenger Plus! mund tė kontrolloj vetėm konto tė hotmailit <and it> pėrparon me anė tė kontrollimit tė POP3 e-mail kontove.
Note: of course I don't know Albanian, but I hope you get my point...
Another example:
Like I said, I don't know Albanian, but do you need this:
Zėri i cili do tė dėgjohet
to say "sound to play" or "play sound" or "soundfile" or even shorter: "sound"?
In this manner, all the too long lines can be fixed... Every sentence in any language can be said in many different ways, so play with it until your lines aren't too long anymore...