Originally posted by Johnny_Mac
I have one of those, and its simply on cost. Its probably one of the most efficent cars to have atm, I learnt that on a recent trip when I got twice as many miles to a gallon then a friend got.
The ford fiesta is the most economic car in the world, therefore this is what I want, its quite cheap, runs well, does a lot of miles to the gallon, cheap to buy, cheap to fix, cheap to insure.
Originally posted by Johnny_Mac
This is true, I have a friend who has written off 3 cars, and has only been driving a year. There insurance is exactly the same as mine, now how is that fair? [/rant]
thats not fair at all, he should have to pay more insurance, I also think its sexist to men, because they have an insurance company just for woman! How bad is that, they may be good drivers, but we don't get priviledges, we don't get our own car insurance for men, even if we did, the company would be sued for being sexist. [/rant]