Originally posted by CookieRevised
Well, I think I have the ultimate solution.... but this must be implemented by Patchou though, nothing we can do....
in addition to the changeable icon (and the combined use of messenger lock and boss protection) you can do this:
In the preferences, enter the path and file to an application which should start up when double clicking on the icon.
How to get to Messenger then? Easy, by holding <CTRL> or <SHIFT> or something similar (also adjustable in the preferences) while double clicking....
In that way, your boss or parents can double click on the icon (eg: excelicon) all they want, they only will get the application (eg: excel), not msn messenger....
how's that for an idea?
(at least if it is possible though)
i believe that's not hard to do at all, even as a standalone app...