Originally posted by lhunath
Originally posted by lopardo
If you don't go to any "weird" pages, nothing will happen...
Honestly, any standard web surfing, wherever you go, for a few hours, will get your pc infested with worms, in no time. With an unpatched browser, that is. These are things that were tested and tested again. And if unpatched browser is so vulnerable it means lots of pirates are out there, and are able to attack more recent browsers as well.
I meant porno, warez and stuff when I said "weird pages". I really don't understand how, even with an unpatched IE 6.0, you can get worms by just browsing. An attacker would have to make you enter to a page with malicious code in order to exploit a vulnerability (
you have to enter that page), so I don't see what the big deal is...
Originally posted by lhunath
Originally posted by lopardo
Have you ever suffered a serious attack? You're too paranoid
Actually, not really, knowing that our pcs have been infected more than numerous times by worms who enter them by using microsoft Services which have vulnerabilities. Like NetBIOS, or others.
What? If you're talking about worms like Blaster and Sasser, you should know the patches were available like a month before the worms spread. And the patches fixed the bugs (not as you said, "Microsoft products aren't to be trusted (generally), meaning, exactly what the sentence says, that they may fail you where you would expect them not to. (Like after you just installed all security patches available...)").
Originally posted by lhunath
Originally posted by WDZ
Windows is a very good OS, and I trust it.
It is undenyably a very good OS, one of the top OSes out there, but it doesn't mean it can be trusted, solely. Without a firewall and a virusscanner, Windows OSes are deer in a lion cage.
Originally posted by lhunath
You can when you secure it with third party software. But then, you're trusting the software, not the OS.
I never used any virus scanner, never found a really good one, so I just don't open suspicious files (common sense) and I never got infected. Windows XP has its own firewall, and does its job pretty darn well, so you don't need third party software. So, I agree 100% with WDZ and saralk.