O.P. Patchou - Optional Sponsor Program.
It appears that many, many users are having problems with the software solely based on the fact of the sponsor software.
Now most of us all know that you can opt out of the sponsor program by selecting i refuse... however...
Most install software asks for you to accept or refuse the terms of the program etc before you can continue to install it... now what i believe is that many new users think it's the same sorta thing without carefully reading it...
I do believe it is sort of mis-leading.
I am a big supporter of Messenger Plus, and believe i will always continue to be so... however about 10% of the Messenger Plus users seem to be angry because of the fact of the mis-leading sponsor program, or some dont even realise, and just get angry because they think it came batched with aload of spyware....
What my question is, is why does it appear mis-leading? Why not display a large red warning notice, so people DO KNOW they are about to install the sponsor software to support Messenger Plus.
Also another suggestion is instead of having that sponsor program, mis-leading alot of Messenger Plus users... why not have a donation page? I'm sure alot of people would donate, and alot more people would be happy with the end result.
Many Thanks,
This post was edited on 09-27-2004 at 03:37 AM by XM4ST3RX.