Originally posted by Patchou
Devilin, so that you don't misinterpret my actions: the first thread you opened was closed because of some replies people were making to you, and not because of your own messages. As you can see, I left this thread opened .
I don't think it's very right to remove the link to my facts page and replace it with an "attorney general" link. I do get the joke but a lot of people will not and will see that as "Patchou doesn't care at all so you'd better write to someone else".
Updated slightly, making official complaint, is legitimate, until the situation between your sponsor program, and the security software is resolved, there will be people genuinely suffering, this cannot continue indifferently, a third independent party may be required to resolve this, any government agency will not take sides,
Patchou your in business, I personally have no problems with you making money out of this, in fact I admire your entrepreneurial spirit, and I wish you luck, but business is a serious endeavor, its no joke