I have fixed the following bugs:
Conversation(s) do not go to the container window if there are open conversation when opening the program: When you open the program, the current open conversation window(s) will be moved to the container window.
Close all conversations before exiting program: In the last version, you needed to close all open conversations to exit the program. Now when you close the program, all the open conversations will be set free.
New bug found: When using the "Nudge" feature on Msn Messenger 7, the window will slide down of the container window for no reason. To fix this, you have to close the program and right click on the conversation nudge was used and click move. Then using your keyboard, move the window so you can see it in the screen...
Note: The program file size has been reduced about 13 KBs!
A question: Should I add tabs to the program or just leave it the way it is?