Oh my god, you think that a forum full of spam and stuff is tidy, thats messed up
Umm no, i never said that and certainly dont think so. Did you look at that forum I mentioned? Its not spam filled at all.
you're just trying to find some lame argument...
On the internet the word for this is Troll. And if you think thats what i'm doing you are welcome to ignore my posts as that is the best known method for getting rid of trolls.
What do they do instead of deleting? Deleting posts is really the easiest way to clean up a thread.
They lock threads and if necessary censor posts if they contain illegal stuff. Locked threads sink to the bottom very fast in an active thread and I guess their idea of "clean" is different from yours. I'm not a spammer. I made a critical post which someone obviously didn't like and deleted. I would even go as far as to say it would be ok to delete spammer's posts. But not posts from people with dissenting views. But then again its your forum and you can run it as you wish.
* WDZ slaps stereotypes around a bit with a large trout.
You know, the one thing about stereotypes is that although i agree that stereotyping is bad, for the most part they are generally true. The reason stereotyping is bad is because they aren't true for everyone. In this case I think the stereotype used fits the behaviour and attitude of Patchou in regards to the adware 100%.
Let me remind you that none of the staff members here get paid to run the forum. We're all volunteers. Also, the rules of this forum and the moderation methods were not changed when Patchou started bundling the optional sponsor program.
Yes thats probably true. But in my opinion the behaviour of deleting dissenting posts falls exactly in line with the attitude Patchou has about the adware he is bundling. What i'm saying is that I'm not surprised that somone who runs a forum where deleting dissenting posts is an accepted practice would end up bundling their free software with adware. Or the other way around. It works both ways.
Just out of question what did that post say?
Lets see if reposting what i stated in my censored posts gets deleted again. Basically what I said was that I was happy to see that the anti-spyware software from Giang/Microsoft treated Messenger Plus the way it did because of the adware that was bundled. I'm happy that the makers of that software basically feel the same way I do about Messenger Plus as is apparent in their description visible in the screenshot. I'm happy that someone with more authority on the subject than myself has echoed my feelings. Mainly in the hope that somone can knock some sense into Patchou, something none of the people who complained about the adware in the past have been able to do. From Patchou's responses it doesn't seem like thats going to happen. He seems a bit stubborn and unable to truly listen to people's points. I find that sad really as he otherwise writes good software
he's now attacking the forum staff
I'm not attacking the forum staff. Disagreeing is not the same as attacking.
why hasn't he posted since Feb. 2003
Because thats when I stopped using the software because of my disagreement with the attitude Patchou has in regards to the adware. I came back and posted mainly because i was happy to see that Microsoft/Giant anti-spyware software categorized Plus in the exact same way I felt about the software. Maybe I was gloating a little in a "I told you so" way. Thats probably why Patchou didnt like it and deleted it.