To keep developing a peice of software of this magnitude, it takes money. Money that C2Media provides to pay for servers, bandwidth, and to help patchou continue developing. Why cant people understand that? How about microsoft starts bundling the same adware with microsoft office? Help pay for the costs of piracy? Would that knock some sense into you?
wj, whether or not developing a piece of software of Plus's magnitude truly requires money is a topic for another day. I will only point out that there are several free software packages such as Gaim, Gimp or WinSCP of equal or larger magnitudes that make do without. My view is however that there are many proven and working methods for a developer to make enough money for continued development and more which are much more ethical than bundling what many people perceive to be questionable adware.
The only reason you came back is because you enjoy stirring up things.
Either you missed this part of my post or you chose to ignore it because it makes it pretty clear that I didnt come back only because i like stirring things up.
Mainly in the hope that somone can knock some sense into Patchou, something none of the people who complained about the adware in the past have been able to do.
You are free not to use the software and think whatever you want, but that's where it stops.
Um actually no. If thats where it stops Patchou wouldn't provide this forum where people can voice their opinions Or he would provide the forum only to registered users or something like that. It is a public forum however (with certain rules of course). I dont think those rules state I am only allowed to post if I agree with everything that Patchou does. I hope Patchou gets rid of the adware and finds another more ethical revenue stream. I posted a comment because I was happy to see that somone with more authority agrees with me about the bundled adware. This gave me new hope that maybe Pathou would finally change his mind and start seeing things from a different perspective.
The way you critisissed the moderation methods was quite rude and attacking.
Based on the posts from the admins who have responded in this thread, they either saw past it or didnt feel that it was quite as rude and attacking as you did.
In general you seam to have a very bad feeling towards patchou, what do you want, for him to remove the adware?
Yes that would be excellent.
Then he'd have to find anouther means of income and not be able to develop plus as well.
Not necessarily. He could delegate the job of finding another means of income to those users who want to get rid of the adware bundling. His power is in the community of users Messenger Plus enjoys. Not everyone can or wants to donate money. But in general people are more than willing to donate time which in turn can be used to find other more ethical revenue streams.
I hope you have an open mind about this and when pressented the facts you might actially change you mind.
I hope the same thing about you and also Patchou.