I hate to be the minority in this, but I think c00ly has a point. The optional adware has steered away many potential Plus! users and it's a shame. Everyone here seems to ignore the original facts that c00ly posted, so here they are again:
Too many stupid people think one of two things:
1. they have to accept because its MsgPlus!'s linsence agreement. (which is quite obviously not the case)
2. They have no choice but to install spyware or else the program wont install (like may freeware programs [kazaa for one])
Now, pushing aside all the blame on the individual user, the fact remains: the normal person
does not read the EULA's, because they're too damn long. I don't even read them for that fact alone. The normal person is also (no offense to anyone but it's true)
stupid, in the sense that they're ignorant to things that should be manditory.
I'm not suggesting to remove the adware. A pop up window when the user chooses 'accept' notifying them that they don't need to install the sponsor to use Messenger Plus! would be nice, but it might also decrease Patchou's income significantly.
Maybe, if Patchou decides to do so, in the next version of Plus! he could add a popup window when the user clicks 'I accept', for that version only, then go back to how it is now so he could see the difference and compare them both (and maybe even post his findings to settle this, once and for all). Experimentation can do little harm, but it can spark great knowledge.
Just my 2 cents