Originally posted by alegator
Ahmad, everytime I want to check who's online in my contact list I double click the MSN icon in the system tray, open the MSN window, check status of my contacts and close it. Do you think you could add a feature to your patch that will enable to do this by just hovering the mouse arrow on top of the system tray's MSN icon displaying a popup window listing the contacts that are online?
This would be very helpful as it would save all mouse clicks needed to check this.
No, Ahmad's patch is a... patch, not a plugin or addon which adds additional code and functionality to msn messenger. Everything these patches do already exists in msn messenger in one way or the other, they simply move things around or disabled them...
Furthermore, hoovering over the tray icon will take you more time then simply double cliking on the icon. (An hoover action will only kick in after a certain amount of time!). And if many contacts are online (mind you that such things will not be made especially for you, but that other people should be able to use it also) you still need to scroll a list. All in all, this list will be nothing more than: ... your contactlist itself. So, in other words, I'm afraid this is even rather useless as a plugin or addon...