A few suggestions:
Can you add to "Shorten Status Info in Info Bar" the ability to reduce also the message when you open a contact window when you're invisible ""<p>It's not possible to send or receive message because your status is offline or invisible. Click here to go online"
(sorry i'm translating from italian).
Also, I can confirm a bug, after you apply a-patch it's not possible to click on yellow bar links anymore (like "Click here to go online").
Always in the same option please change
"Contact status is set to" and "contact is offline" with the name of contact, you just need to replace the word "contact" with "%1" in the msglang.dll
I think it's better
****Little update****
I managed a while with yellow status bar informations and I made these changes:
60 - %1 is locked.
61 - <p>Remember you are Invisible</p>
62 - %1 is %2
63 - <p>%1 is Offline.</p>
I think it's the best way to use one line only for every info message. Sorry for my english but i'm translating from italian messenger manually