Originally posted by CookieRevised
This is not a bug, but by design. Though, it would indeed be good to see a registry setting for this (something like "BossProtectionAlways"; along the line of the already existing AutoAwayAlways).
Yeah, but it's not the same as AutoAwayAlways. It doesn't make sense as "hidden" reg. setting. I think it's a bug, "appear offline" isn't a status like the others (people can't see you while you "appear offline").
Originally posted by raceprouk
Is it maybe because Boss Protection and Messenger Lock are designed to work on all instances of Messenger? Would make sense.
Either that, or Plus! just isn't designed for polygamy.
Huh? It works on all instances (as it should), but it stops working on all instances if one of them has Boss Protection or Messenger Lock disabled (it should probably hide or lock only one in this case). Maybe the Boss Protection should be global.