Originally posted by Absorbation
who cares as long as some money goes to those people suffering it does not matter
I care.. a lot, even. All that money wasted.. I mean, it could all go to the poor and save so many other lives.. think about it.
Originally posted by Tasha
There are loads of people at my school, who go around, with loads of those bands all up their arms, only because they think it's the fashion. Most of them don't even know what the money they spend on them go to, or what Live8 or anything like that, which is trying to help poverty, is. It annoys me.
Indeed. I was in New York city, not long ago. When we went into China Town, they were selling those bracelets everywhere. And where do you think they make them? In some poor country where they pay kids no money at all. I hate the fashion
Live8.. bah. I hate how they need to use celebs to make money.. And again, look at all the money they take to pay for the show. Most people only go to see the celebs, not to help poverty.
Just saying "make poverty history" pisses me off.. Cuz it will never happen. Even just "ONE" pisses me off.. never will everyone be the same. There will always be the rich, the generous, and the poor, no matter how many generous people there are. The rich will never change.
For example, I posted in the thread Patchou started about getting a new keyboard. I said I had to cope with my english one even though I'm french and it's annoying to not have the propper keys. I don't really mind though, because it works, but someone said "get another one". WHY? Why spend money on something you already have that works? It's stupid. But that's how MOST people live.. They have money so they spend it on so many useless things, while some are crying fro help. Why not help them instead? You'll feel much better after, too.
Bah.. I'm glad I got some people to think about this, cuz it hurts me a lot.