O.P. Default user options
We need to roll out Messenger Plus! to 100+ financial brokers, with default settings. Is this possible? Can it be added as a feature if it's not?
We've already packaged the software into an MSI, ready to deploy through AD - which you may want to consider doing youself, to ease big rollouts. However, we can find no way to set default settings for all users - as the reg entries are all HKCU\...\youremail@wherever\...
We need to be able to do the following for all users:
1. Turn off the Wizard - it's fine for a home users, but not a Corporate Environment
2. Force logging on system wide (through HKLM, not HKCU - so they can't turn it off)
3. Use default settings for all options for new users
We'd be happy to cover development costs, as software is free.
Jon Abbott
Systems Manager
Clarksons IT