Originally posted by Joa
Edit: i also want to add, that you had a pretty cool idea.. mentioning things that could be usefull in msn etc. but next time know to do a bit of research, there is TONS of info on here about many things. chances are that somebody already made a similar suggestion and that it has been discussed already
Thanks for clearing some stuff up for me Joa
As for everyone getting so worked up, i only suggested a few things which I know I would like to see on MY msn, wether other people think its chavvy or wouldnt like to see it on thiers, thats thier opinion, one which i wouldnt agree with but it isnt my place to say "no your wrong". Im sure the people who invented lets say the colored nickname, some people went "ew no whats the point, thats chavvy/stupid", but alas it is in fact on Plus! today.
This is a forum for ideas, and what people think of them, not something to get angry about