Originally posted by KeyStorm
These are the current language stats. Quite some time ago, languages who dropped under 1000 users were pruned from the official package. I'm not sure about how many udownloads would be required to add that translation to the package, but surely at least more than 1000. Also the stats should be treated and monitored more accurately by the server administrators.
Patchou pruned a number of languages because they wasted an excessive space in the package and some seemed not to be used. Still all these can be downloaded from your localized page at http://www.msgplus.net
Thank´s KeyStorm for your information.
And a personal advice: Instead of aggresively advertising your translation, you may make a translation that proves for itself to be worth the addition.
Thank´s for advice. I am not only understanding the "Instead of aggresively advertising"... Please, don't judge badly. My idea is not to be aggressive in my words; I am just asking in an insistent way that my translation for the Portuguese from Brazil is accepted as official translation. It is only that!
In any way, thank you.
Originally posted by KeyStorm
Well thanks for this exhaustie and somewhat personal analysis of the file that gets to very interestings and unknown facts to me. I must say...
Dear KeyStorm:
Once again thank you because their posts have been equilibrate and their words have not been aggressive with me. In relation to the "very interestings and unknown facts", be careful! They are not conclusive so. The Mr. Gonçalo judged me mistakenly and was skittish in their affirmations.
But it isn't, as it seems, and all of Heyder's points have been replied and beaten, so I think this discussion should end sometime soon.
I have been insistent, it is true, but as I say to you previously, only just with the purpose of favoring the Brazilian peoples that use the Messenger Plus!. I continue thinking that a people have the merit (earn) of have a free program translated for your born language, even that, under the optics of some, the differences are few or that "give for understand"... However, if you think it is being tiresome, I can only to post the translation for download.
(I am joke, don't have the intention of you to offend!)
Heyder, if you want to make a real Brazilian Portuguese translation, have some mates join the group, assign tasks, and translate directly from English, like all us did and still do. As far as we should be concerned, there should be a real monitoring by Patchou who would certify the nuber of users your translation has, because the download stats could be faked easily (I'm being very skeptic and stern, now, no offence intended). So well, you should remake the translation and do a proper job.
Mr. Gonçalo judged me mistakenly. I sorry if our languages are similar - but no same - and it seemed for him that heve many coincidences in my translation. He affirms that I plagiarized your translation and that I used their work. THAT IS NOT TRUE, even if can seem. The education that I received from my family doesn't let to act me in a such dirty way. In my comparison of "Casa de Pasto" never had the intention of offending anybody to live in Portugal. As I already said previously, I have many Portuguese friends and I like of the Portuguese people. Many things that he mentions in offensive post to justify their conclusions are superficial and are not conclusive. For instance, he said that my translation contains very big sentences that don't fit in the areas designated in the program. Of course that before posting the file for download in the forum, I test in my own Messenger Plus! and Windows and I correct all the possible flaws. Very curious... none of the 450 people that downloaded the file complained of that. . . to the opposite, I received eulogy... (http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=45283)
Finally, I made the translation starting from the file in English using the Messenger Plus! Translator of Mr. Choli (http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=11880). I had the work of translating line the line of whole the file. I spent about 1 month making that because it is my hobby to do software translations. I admit that, in some sentences I just appeal upon the file in portugal Portuguese TO SEE how it had been translated ONLY. Many times I see a similar translation to mine! Of Course! The languages are very similar!
I am extremely offended with the words and false accusations of the sr. gonçalo. I think that he is not worthy of my answer. So, I prefer to ignore him.
Thank´s for all.
Dr. Heyder