RE: Update to Screenshot Sender 3 Beta - 3.0.555
I have experienced the exact same thing, with same version of Screenshot (the one on which you forgot which functions where added). I have tryed with MSN 7.5 and with the upcomming Vista Messenger. It does the same thing. In my experience when completely turning off all the Messenger programs in the system tree (1x CTRL-ALT-DEL) the installation works fine and all items are installed into Messenger Plus!, as intended.
In the September issue of "Tips and Trucs", published in the Nederlands there is a special coverage on Messenger Plus!. The story is called ~Chatten De Luxe~. An item on the Screenshot Sender 3 is included, including some tips. It has been recomended that the skin could easily be matched to intergrate with the commonlu used Plus! standard, and take other skins from that point onwards, if it pleases the designer, that is.
Furthermore I whish to thank the Messenger Plus! people for colouring up the chat experience. VOIP is the next thing that needs looking at within Plus!