RE: ANOTHER terrorist attack
Iraq is not the only reason why terrorism exists, like I have said before US foreign policy is at the root of jihad. Now those attacks on Bali and London effect citizens of those countries that support the US invasion of Iraq. That being said Bin Laden has promised to attack those countries who have supported the Afghan war. Thus those attacks on London and Bali could have been a response to that war as well. But you can’t deny that the Invasion of Iraq did stir up more anti west feelings. This is how they justify the killing of civilians. Civilians pay their taxes, which go towards such things as military weaponary/developement. They see civilians playing a direct role in the war, as they are the ones partially paying for it, there for making them a legitimate target. Sick and twisted but sadly true.
Sure those people who blew themselves up weren't directly involved with the Iraq War but you must understand that all these terrorists around the world are linked with a common bound, a sick twisted version of Islam. They believe that their religion is under attack. They see their Muslim brothers and sisters brutalized by the war and this is why they answer the call to jihad.
Rafy, if you like, you can add me to msn if you like disscussing these sorts of issues.