I'm not discussing Brazilian Portuguese should be included. I'm discussing the validity of your translation, I'm sorry if you misunderstood.
But, three points:
- You won't use 'manga' in Messenger Plus!. Not only in Brazil, all languages have homonyms, and books are being written without special problems with that. Usually this is solved by the context
- You won't use almost any of all the words you listed. Windows is probably released in the same language in Portugal and Brazil (as it is with both Spanish and both English). There is a feasible chance of finding the match point of both languages. I suppose this is already done by Portugal Portuguese translation.
- In a language yo can express things in uncountably different ways. So the odds of matching other's translation passages are extremely low. This is pushed further when you tell us your language is different than the Portuguese from Portugal. You must agree it's very suspicious to find certain exact passages in the translation.