Originally posted by Absorbation
1.) skin the insatller
2.) get a new icon the current one is pixleated
At a logo you can use in the options page
4.) At a website for it (not just rxp software)
5.) Try and add logging of personal messages/ nicknames again
6.) Get a big promotion e.g with mess.be
All in all the plugin is professional and i cannot think of many features but i would like to see those changes made
Where's 3?
1. Can do, but gotta see what ipab can do.
2. Is that due to you enlarging it, or some other reason?
4. RPSoftware.net is good enough I think. It has a Phoenix subsection, which should have enough info. If not, let me know and I'll correct it
5. The nickname logging is already there. As for PSMs, I've not really looked into them yet.
6. I'll try
Be good publicity too