Originally posted by damm-o
i think hes timothy
Doubt it, mess.be and Patchou are good friends
. Anyway, the guy wanted to remain anonymous, so no use i guessing it.
I don't see how the submit you xmas tree thread and a blockchecking suggestion have anything todo with Patchou worshipping. The post your tree thread is in fact a nice example of how this forum is a community, the thread has nothing todo with Patchou, he didn't even post in that topic afaik.
Anyway, let him rant
. I can understand it might look like bad when you only read topics started be Patchou when a new version is released and such... those are always full with
. But he forgot to look at all the other topics then where this forum is just a community.
And like Cookie said, if something has to be said negativly towards Patch or Plus!, people will say it. I wouldn't even have been around here anymore if he never decided to make the sponsor package optional for example. And there are numerous threads with suggestions on how to make the sponsor agreement clearer, also from big Plus! fans.