Originally posted by MenthiX
5 days later... a bit of people creating spammy articles for their nickname, no content yet. It's content that will decide everything at the end.
But please don't get mad with me, I wish you luck with getting content on there and really hope you can create something nice.
No content? I've spent several hours writing content and if you click random page or the All Pages button you'll find a chunk of stuff on there, I wrote examples for a decent bit of the scripting documentation that didn't have any.
If people aren't sharing their code, then it can't be blamed on the site, or me, I've put in a load of effort to get stuff on there and getting it functioning nicely, not to mention getting the domain to work took stupid amounts more effort than it should have.
The site has been open for only 5 days and hasn't been promoted outside of this forum yet, there's hardly likely to be the biggest library of data available yet... I think you're being somewhat harsh, don't you?