Originally posted by stuartbennett
ok i understand what your saying, perhaps another way round all the problems you highlighted is when you click add/edit nickname in contact list or set nickname on a desktop contact and your actually there with the name in an editable state, perhaps you could at that point do some shortcut like ctrl+g that would initiate the gradiater interface for entering the nickname, after all i believe thats how the colour used to work in the old days right you did ctrl+n or p or whatever it was and colour panel appeared so this new idea for an inteerface might be easier to impliment.
regarding my 2 suggestions of adding items to right click menus i didnt know if it was possible or not i merely suggested a possible interface but any interface for accessing the gradiater will do.
If I could access this information while it was in it's editable state then Cookie would have recomoended for me to go about it that way but it's just not possible for me to access those windows in anyway (that I know of). Though after reading what you suggested I think I have come up with what might be a useful initiative. I could use the likes of a hot-key (customisable by the user of course) to open a kind of 'lite version' of the config window what you are in a chat. Just a basic window that would come up that was nice and small to edit a few of the preferences quite quickly. Do you like this idea and what do you think the main features should be included in this window (please remember I'll be limited on space)?